New this month is a Knights of St. Andrew Newsletter. We, at the Information Center, would like this to become the primary information exchange between our Chapters regarding exciting and beneficial activities. A separate page on this site has been devoted to the current issue of
The Scroll. Check it out…
The Scroll will be published every other month- six issues per year. If you wish to receive the new postings as they are published, add your e-mail address through the link found on the new page.
We’re here to help you build stronger and better Chapters. Each Chapter can improve their service level to their Valley by knowing and adopting the activities and practices that have been successful for others.
Unroll The Scroll
We regret that the Knights of St. Andrew National Gathering scheduled for April of this year has been cancelled. Our Waco (TX) Chapter has stated that the event will are not able to serve as hosts for this event. We certainly enjoyed a fun and beneficial Gathering there in 2018. Thank you, Waco Chapter, for that service. Watch this site for further KSA Gathering information.
Greetings and welcome to the National Knights of St Andrew (KSA) informational web site. We hope that this collection of materials will be helpful to you, your Chapter and Valley. We are not trying to standardize the Knights across the country because you each have your own goals and agendas as well as different financial resources. We are striving to inform you of activities in other Valleys and Chapters. If you see any section of these pages you would like us to enhance, correct and improve, please feel free to write us. If any of the Valley/Chapter links are incorrect please contact us and we will correct the link. Also, if you know of a Valley with a KSA Chapter that is not listed, please inform us.
January 28, 2025 there are 193 Chapters:
156 Chapters in 36 States within the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction
37 Chapters in 9 States within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Mission of This Site
This site is intended to be an information exchange center for Knights and Chapter Officers of the Scottish Rite Knights of St. Andrew. The site is not financially sponsored by or directly linked to any particular Chapter but is intended to become a communications link for all Chapters. The Knights who have volunteered to create and maintain this site wish to promote the Knights of St. Andrew for better service to the Scottish Rite Valleys and the Charities supported by KSA Chapters.
You can make this a "Brag Site" for your Chapter. Share your projects, news and photos. Knowing what Chapters are doing helps others with encouragement and project ideas. Send your information to the Liaison or Webmaster- links below and at the left.
Suggestions and recommendations are appreciated. Send news, photos, questions and comments to the Liaison or Webmaster- links in the left column
NOTE: Our website is mobile compliant. Websites optimized for mobile devices now receive preferential treatment in Google's search engine results. Only mobile-friendly websites are included in search results on mobile devices. Visit this site on your Smart Phone, iWatch, iPad or other mobile device.
It may be confusing to some that, across the country, our Chapters are known by several names. As "Black Cap" service organizations, most Chapters are known as KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW. However, each Chapter may select their own name, attire and functions to best serve their Scottish Rite Valley. Other names for the same service group include: Order of the Thistle, Scots Guards, Scottish Knights of St. Andrew, Scottish Rite Guards.... Regardless of the name adopted, we are a service group promoting the work of our individual Valleys. "A KSA Chapter by any other name will just as truly serve..."
The idea of a service organization in support of our Scottish Rite Valleys has spread throughout the Nation and to other parts of the World. This listing shows our growth.
Visit the STATES/VALLEYS/CHAPTERS page to see a comprehensive list of KSA Chapters by Date of Charter then advise the Liaison of any additions or corrections that need to be made to your Chapter.
In the menu listing on the left, you will see a new page option... PHOTO GALLERY. Browse the collection of KSA Chapter photos we have there and then send the Webmaster photos showing the activities of your Chapter.
NOTE: This site is not intended for commercial purposes. The text and photos have been submitted by Knights and Officers of affiliated Chapters of the Knights of St. Andrew for appearance on this website. The use of these articles and photos by others is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Liaison and/or Webmaster. E-mail links for both may be found at the bottom left of each page.