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Knights of St Andrew
Knights of St Andrew 





Survey Responses Quantified and Listed

2016 Knights of St. Andrew

Survey of Best Practices


This summer, a list of questions was sent to all Knights of St. Andrew Chapters asking about the structure and activities of each. One of the hallmarks of the KSA is the independence of each Chapter in fulfilling the needs of their Valley. While not a precise measure of what’s happening, the compilation below will give you an idea of the involvement of other Chapters. You may find ideas here to incorporate into the agenda of your Chapter.


Where applicable, actual numbers, averages and percentages have been listed here. Reponses to some questions are not quantified but have been listed as those mentioned most frequently.


We would like to express our thanks to all of those Chapter Officers who took their time and effort to participate.


Average membership:

27 – Active Members

  9 – Emeritus Members


Chapter Meeting Frequency:

          44%    Monthly

            1%   Bi-Monthly

          32%    Quarterly

  8%   Reunions + As Needed

          17%    Reunions Only


Required Attire – Chapter Uniform:

24% Tuxedos

41% Suits

34% Kilts

        No Uniform

        KSA Polo Shirt & Slacks


68% Glengarries

  1% Balmorals

23% Scottish Rite Caps


77% Sashes


93% Tartan Swatches & Pins


Utilize a Squire Program before Knighting:

          69% - No

          31% - Yes


Requirements for Squire in Qualifying to be a Knight:

          12 Hours Service to the KSA/Valley (several Chapters listed 6-12 hours)

            9 Service Points – defined as specific work accomplishments

           Completion of Master Craftsman Course + 9 Hours of Service

+ Top line signer for two SR and/or KSA applications

            1 year + 3 Valley Meetings + 1 KSA Meeting + 1 Building Clean-up

            1 Top line signer for Valley AND 1 KSA application


Average Membership Costs:

          Application Fee - $49 (Actual Range: $0 - $150)

          Annual Dues - $10 (Actual Range: $0 - $25)

          Personal Uniform Cost – (Range from $0 - $300)


Typical Chapter Activities During a Reunion:

          Assist Candidates & Class Directors

          Building Prep

          Degree Work

          Escort Dignitaries

          Food Service



          Presentation to Class


          Stage Set-up & Degree Help 




Chapter Activities Between Reunions:

          Advocates and Children’s Hospital Visits

          Building Clean-Up

          Color Guard



          Lodge Officer Installations/Arch of Steel

          Monthly Meetings

          Quarterly Meetings

          St. Patrick’s & Highland Games Parades

          Study Programs – (SR History; Heraldry; Scottish History; Genealogy)

          Table Captains

          Visit Blue Lodges (Summer)



Fund Raising Activities:

          Almoner’s Fund Collections

         BBQ Chicken Sale

          Bobbie Burns Dinner


          Sale of Masonic Items at Reunions

         Valet Parking Attendants at SR Building Functions


Charities and Organizations Supported:

          Advocate Hospital

          Consistory Fund

          Fellowship Fund for SR Candidate Fees

          Grand Lodge

          Masonic Library
RiteCare & Dyslexia Clinics

          Salvation Army

          Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation

          Scottish Rite Foundation

          Scottish Rite Masonic Center

          Scottish Cultural Societies (Non-Masonic)

          Shriners Hospitals for Children

          Wings on Words Program


Scottish Rite Degree Work Involving Knights:

          4th Degree

5th Degree

28th Degree

29th Degree

          Knights in Various Degrees – (Speaking & Non-Speaking Parts)

          Recorded Video of 29th Degree

SuperNumeries – (Non-Speaking parts)

          “The Traitor”


KSA Based Awards: (more about these soon)

          Grand College of Honours – (three levels of recognition)

          Claymore Award – (one honoree per year)


Badge, Pin and Regalia Sources:

          Badge Warehouse

          Front-Line Products (Glengarries)



          Sport Kilt

          The Master Craft (custom jewels & pins)


Note: There is no “official” vendor of KSA supplies and regalia. A list of vendors has been compiled and posted on the SOURCES page of this website

 *  It should be noted that a portion of the “profits” of from sale of pins and merchandise are donated to the RiteCare Clinic through the Scottish Rite.

** Further, to the best of our knowledge, the is an independent vendor and is not a Masonic vendor.


Advise us of vendors that your Chapter utilizes which offer good quality and reasonable prices and which you recommend to other Chapters. We will be glad to list them on this site.




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