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Knights of St Andrew Info Center Contacts:

Chapter Liaison-




Knights of St Andrew Youngstown (OH)
Knights of St Andrew Youngstown (OH)





Questions and Answers

You Ask... We Answer

Where is the headquarters of the Knights of St. Andrew?


There is no headquarters or central office for the KSA. The Knights of St. Andrew is a concept of service to the Valley. Each Chapter is independent and there exists a wide diversity in projects, duties, titles of officers, ritual, and name of the local organizations.


The concept is based, in part, on the 29th Degree – Scottish Knight of St. Andrew. A basic premise is to keep new “Black Cap” members active in the Valley. Secondly, the flexibility of the group allows performing whatever projects and duties needed to make the functions and reunions of the Valley run smoothly.



Is a Charter Certificate necessary to establish a KSA Chapter?


A Charter Certificate is NOT necessary for a group of 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons to form an organization to serve their Valley under the direction of the General Secretary. However, there are advantages to having a Certificate on the wall. It tends to add to the stability of the organization and becomes a landmark of pride as time passes.



How do other KSA Chapters handle their finances? I know that there are fund raisers to help with their expenses and regular payment of dues, however, who handles the money?  Does the Valley pay the bills?  Do they have their own checking/savings account?  If they do, how are they audited?


The VM, Secretary and Treasurer of our Chapter have the same fiscal and fiduciary responsibility as in a Blue Lodge. The Secretary collects money; records it and gives it to the Treasurer to deposit. The Chapter has a checking account requiring the signatures of two of those three officers for withdrawal. Money is dispensed by the Treasurer as directed by the VM with the approval of the Knights.


The Secretary & Treasurer give regular reports of finances to the members. Audits are usually just reviews by the General Secretary of the Valley or a designee.


In some Chapters, the money is kept in an auxiliary account managed by the General Secretary of the Valley.


Structure of the financial functions should be exactly as those of the other Valley support organizations – which is at the discretion of the SGIG and the Valley General Secretary.  



How do we obtain a Charter for our KSA Chapter?


Whether your Chapter of the Knights of St. Andrew is new, revised, or the Charter can't be found, Guthrie will help you compile a Charter certificate. Needed are: Letter of approval from the SGIG of your Orient; Effective Date of Chartering (usually the first meeting); Title and Names of the Officers; and, list of Charter Members. Send the request to the  Liaison. Remember, any Chapter may Charter another. If a KSA Chapter exists in an adjoining or nearby Valley, you may want to ask them to issue you a Charter and assist with organizing your group.




Sample Brochures Needed


Does any Chapter have a brochure explaining the Knights of St. Andrew? If so, let us know so we can direct inquiring Chapters to the source.


Here is a link from the Valley of Richmond, Va.



What are "Clans" in the KSA?


A few of the Chapters have subordinate groups referred to as Clans. The Scottish term refers to the individual families which have a common ancestor. In situations where the Scottish Rite Valley is geographically large, it may be inconvenient for members to meet between Reunions. The concept of having "family" groups in various locations works well. At Reunions, the Clans all attend and divide the responsibilities and work to be done. Clans usually wear tartans of differing colors to distinguish their members from the other Clans. The Richmond (VA) Chapter utilizes Clans. Check their website on our States/Valleys/Chapters page. Click on "Knights of St. Andrew" and the drop-down menu will give you "Clans".




I've been looking for a copy of the closing speech given by the VM at the 1st National Gathering. Do you have that?


Yes- here's the text:

“…Over the past three days,
We have discovered new friends;
We have strengthened our bonds with those we knew;
We have recognized and embraced our diversity;
We have applauded our common goals and purposes;
We have explored our own shortcomings;
We have learned from others how to overcome and excel;
We have shared our strengths as well as our hopes.

We will leave here with a renewed resolve;
We will communicate more;
We will more completely meet the needs of our Valleys;
We will not feel alone in times of frustration or concern;
We will be the glue that holds together the best parts of
         Scottish Rite Masonry;
We will come together again.”



What is the purpose of a Squire Program? Does it work?


Traditionally, Squires served Knights and learned the skills of Knighthood in the process. Many KSA Chapters have adopted a custom of bringing new member into the Chapter as a Squire. This gives the initiate an opportunity to see all of the aspects of the Chapter work while serving the requisite hours of labor in behalf of the Valley. Assigning a Squire to a specific Knight seems to work best. The Knight answers the Squire's questions about the Order making a better infomed and better equiped candiate for elevation to Knighthood.





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